Tuesday, August 14, 2012

'Regenesis' Towards the End

Well this is really (hopefully) going to be the first post from here on out. At this moment I don't expect anyone to read this, but I need to start now so I can get into the habit once my novel is actually posted.

So the plan is to have Regenesis, my first novel, polished, wrapped up, and published on the Amazon Kindle Marketplace at the end of this month of August. I think that's bollocks and think early September is really when this will be out there, knowing me and how much of a perfectionist I am, especially in regard to something I am so deeply invested in and passionate about.

Regenesis has been finished, story-wise, for nearly four years. I spent the last three years working alongside a great agent searching for a publisher, to no avail. I've decided to part ways with her and jump head first into self publishing, which is something I've resisted for years. I once said to myself that I would never allow my work to be self published, but in this age I feel it might be the only sensible solution (seeing how many publishing houses are now looking at independently published authors as potential candidates for the future).

In any case, I do feel it is time for me to stop picking and changing and altering my work and just simply release it to the world, for better or worse (or worse, or worse). I know through the years many people have expressed an interest in reading what I've written (genuine or otherwise) and soon enough they will have that opportunity. I'm quite excited for it and absolutely terrified in the same breath.

There's a lot of last minute revisions and a few cosmetic changes and creations that still need to take place, but all in all, Regenesis is hungry for an audience and I feel it's time to unleash it. I'll update here and on the Twitterverse and Facebook once I have a more concrete idea of when the novel will be live and available for purchase. Until then, back to the grind!