Friday, November 2, 2012


After five years of writing, editing, waiting, rewriting, deleting, rewriting, and waiting, I finally wrapped Regenesis up. It's out in digital format only at the moment, though in the coming weeks I will begin to sell paperback versions for the traditionalists and those who do not own Kindles. And to sweeten things even more, Regenesis is free through November 6th.

I started this book back when I was a senior at Bothell High and back then it was a very, very crappy idea on a five dollar notebook. But it was important nonetheless, even in that raw and terribly poor form. This book went through about four revision processes and I rewrote the book three times in the space of that five year span, simply because at the end of each edit I realized the book was not right, or that it was too imperfect. That same feeling returned in the past few weeks and it took a very large amount of willpower to keep me from repeating that process. But Regenesis is as perfect as I could make it and I feel it's high time I move on to the next part in the series (and I promise it won't take another five years).

But all in all, I still can't believe it's finished. Maybe it's because the paperback copies aren't here yet or maybe it's because I don't own a Kindle and I can't see it right before my own eyes (my wife lets me peek at hers from time to time), but this experience feels incomplete somehow. And yet I've already sold (or sold and given away) one-hundred and seventy copies today alone (with nearly twenty from overseas in the UK), which excites and terrifies me. The reviews aren't in yet and that's given me reason enough to figuratively chew my fingernails to shreds. I am amazed and grateful for all of the support, especially given how reserved and guarded I've remained over these past five years.

And I just found out that it's ranked #40 in the sci-fi freebies category on Amazon and #1277 in the overall freebies category. So that's awesome.

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